Frequently Asked Questions

City of Garden Grove

If I make an Open Enrollment change, when will that go into effect?

All Open Enrollment changes will take effect January 1st of the following calendar year.

The following are the different Open Enrollment Guides:

If I would like to add a dependent during Open Enrollment, what documentation will I need to provide?

If the dependent is a spouse, we will need a copy of the marriage certificate, social security card and driver’s license.
If the dependent is a child, we will need a copy of the birth certificate and social security card.

If I would like to compare the plan I have to others offered by CalPERS, how can I get additional information?

CalPERS offers a lot of information on their website:…

Under "Health Plans" you will find the different medical insurance options with their respective websites, "Find a Doctor" links, and Summaries of Benefits and Coverage for each plan offered.

Additionally the 2023 Health Benefit Summary booklet provides highlights of the covered services, co-payments and benefits for each CalPERS health plan.

Who needs to log in and complete something for Open Enrollment?

If you are a full-time or a part-time benefited employee, you must log in and complete your Open Enrollment selections/confirmation of benefits prior to the deadline. After the Open Enrollment deadline, you will not be permitted to make any changes to your insurance plans unless their is a qualifying event (i.e. marriage, birth of a child, divorce, etc.)

If I do not want to make any changes, do I still have to do something?

Yes, you must log in and confirm your address and finalize your existing benefits. If you are choosing to waive medical insurance, you must provide a copy of your insurance card or proof of alternate coverage to receive the City waiver amount. You must re-submit proof of alternate coverage on an annual basis to continue receiving the waiver amount.

What are the Open Enrollment dates for Garden Grove?

The 2024 Open Enrollment period will take place from Monday, September 18, 2023 through Friday, October 13, 2023. All changes must be confirmed on the City's Employee Online website by the 4:00 p.m. deadline on Friday, October 13, 2023 in order for the changes to be observed.